Monday, August 29, 2005

Still Hanging!

Don't worry folks, I haven't gone anywhere yet!

I haven't had a chance to go to the vet yet, so I don't have anything new to tell you. But as far as how I'm feeling, I'm basically O.K. I'm more tired and my walks are much shorter.

I'm having trouble remembering things. Sometimes I just stand there for awhile, and my family's pretty baffled by it, but it's just that I start to do something and Sometimes I just stand there for awhile, and my family's pretty baffled by it, but it's just that I start to do something and Sometimes I just stand there for awhile, and my family's pretty baffled by it, but it's just that I start to do something and...

Wait a minute - I may have said some of that before. Oh well.

On a lighter note - these two cats go into a bar at the same time, though they don't know one another. A priest and a rabbi are also there, but they're part of a different joke. After being there for awhile and becoming a little wacky (even for cats), one cat looks at the other and says, "Hey, is that the sun or the moon outside?" The other one says, "I don't know, I don't live around here!"

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I just crack myself up sometimes.

(A big shout out to my friend Roscoe!!)

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Hanging In There!

Thanks to everyone for their prayers for me and my family.

We told 15-yr-old Courtney this afternoon. She had a tough time with and there were tears, but she's accepting it and she'll go through it just fine. Actually, "we" means the parents; I wasn't involved in the announcement because I was outside at the time because there are men working on our house this week, and I've found the coolest stuff to eat left over from their lunches every day.

I think the plan for me is to just let things take their course. I'm old - I think I've mentioned that many times - and treatment would be painful, with no real guarantees of a positive outcome. Plus, I've heard bad things about that chemo stuff. Believe me, no one wants to see a bald Cocker Spaniel. Although Melissa Etheridge looked pretty cool at the Grammys with her shaved head. But I'm not Melissa Etheridge; for one thing, I'm a dog. Plus, there are other differences - I don't play the guitar (and if I did, I wouldn't play an Ovation guitar), and I'm not a lesbian. I don't know many dogs who are lesbians. But I digress.

So, basically I'm feeling pretty good most of the time, but I do have good days and not-so-good days. I don't want to eat as much as normal, and my walks are getting a little harder. But I'm pretty happy, and it was so great to see Courtney when she came back from camp last night.

I have a vet appointment later this week, and I'll have more information at that time, including, to be blunt, how much time I can expect to be here. But, contrary to what many theologians believe, there are animals in Heaven, and I plan to continue my blog from there!

Yes, that's right. As long as I can get an internet connection (preferably DSL), you can expect to hear from me once in a while. My only concern is that I've heard rumors they use Mac's up there; I'm strictly a PC dog. But, those are only rumors and even if they prove to be true, I'm sure I can figure it out. I'm sure I'll be able to do lots of things I can't do now, like obey instructions, hear better, and smell a heck of a lot better. But, I'll let you know how it all turns out. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself; for now, I'm still in Torrance (believe me, that's not Heaven), and I'll continue to blog as often as I can.

Well, that's it for now. I'll talk to you later this week.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Why I Haven't Written...

Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since I've blogged. There's been a few things going on.

I've been a little sick lately, and last week the guy I live with took me to the vet to get treatment for an ear infection. What can I say - we Cockers just get weird problems. Plus, as I've mentioned many times, I'm old.

Well - it turns out that the ear infection is the least of my problems. The vet found a large tumor around my tummy, and it seems that I have cancer.

Please pray for me, and for my family as they face some tough decisions about me. And pray for 15-year-old Courtney, who is at camp this week and doesn't know about this yet.

Talk to you soon,

Miss Mabel