Monday, July 11, 2005

Save the WHAT????

I'm begining a new feature on Mabel's DogBlog. It's called Mabel's Wacky Website of the Week.

Every week, or whenever I get around to it, I'll direct your attention to an interesting, or bizzarre website. The Web is a fascinating place, and I'm always amazed at what actual people actually put out there.

Well, my hope in Mabel's Wacky Website of the Week is to find websites that will make you say, "Wow that's interesting," or "How wonderful that someone cared enough to put that information out there for me," or "Why on earth would anyone think of THAT?" (One interesting example which I've already mentioned is the Mormon Name Generator, which I wrote about in my article entitled "Just Call Me Amberly."

O.K., now for this week's feature. It's called ...

  • Save The Gonads

  • I'll bet none of you has ever heard of this site before, and you may think this is a joke, but there's actually a serious, medical purpose for it.

    The woman I live with (let's refer to her as "Kelley") is a registered nurse - believe me, if you're going to get a nurse, make sure you get the registered kind. But Kelley isn't just a registered nurse, she's a nurse who works with very small babies in a place called the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, sometimes referred to as the "nicu." (Pronounced "nick you.")

    In the Nicu, sometimes babies have to get x-rays and apparently, this is a bad thing for the babies' very small private parts. So, in an effort to avoid private-part damage, this organization has developed very small, heart-shaped lead shields that simply cover the babies' private areas, thus preventing those nasty x-rays from doing any damage. Then, hopefully after at least two decades and a marriage, those babies can become mommies or daddies themselves. Pretty cool.

    Of course, I can only speak about private parts from a distant memory, since mine were apparently removed when I was very young. I don't know exactly when they were removed, because now I'm very OLD, and I can't remember very many things. But my family was told that I don't have that kind of equipment anymore, and apparently that's a good thing, because the people I live with said, "that's good."

    But I digress. I've talked about lots of things in this edition of Mabel's DogBlog, so perhaps I should review what we've learned...

    1. The Web is a wonderful place, but sometimes a little strange;

    2. If someone uses the expression "nick you," they might not be talking about shaving. They might be talking about something medical;

    3. Private parts should generally be covered, especially when being x-rayed.

    That's it!


    At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mabel, you are the cats meow! I think I'm in love. If you werent so old, and I werent so small, I might have to sign us up for that new (and dumb, I might add) tv show, "Hookin Up". Anyway, I absolutely loved this one and was very happy to see you were back. loltyb (lots of love to ya baby)


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