Two Equally Effective Responses to Stress
This morning, some Jehovah's Witnesses came to our neighbor's door. For some reason, they didn't come to ours - probably based on a bad experience they may have had recently at the door with the guy I live with.
Anyway, there's a dog who lives next door ("Mickey," like the mouse), and his reaction to the J.W.'s and mine demonstrates two very different, but equally effective responses to stress. Let me share them with you, so in case the J.W.'s, or the mailman, or survey takers for the Republican Party, or kids selling newspapers come to your door, you'll be prepared.
Mickey's Way - bark like a maniac and scare the crap out of anyone who comes to the door. Today, this caused a lot of raised voices on the part of the J.W.'s, as well as the woman who lives next door, but the end result is that the J.W.'s left and no one was injured, so that was a good thing.
My Way - find an inconspicuous place to lie down, like behind a chair, and go back to sleep.
I realize that you people-types aren't really "barkers," but you do know how to yell and scream, so I imagine that would also work pretty well if a survey-taker came to your door. If you just start screaming at the top of your lungs, he won't stay at your door very long.
Or, just do what I do - ignore the door, change positions, and go back to sleep. A lot of life situations can be handled this way, and this method has gotten me to where I am today.
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