Wisconsin Considers Cat Hunting
I noticed in the news today that Wisconsin is considering legalizing cat hunting.
I'm no fan of cats, but I can get along with just about anyone or anything. I'm just gifted that way. Even when a cat stayed with us for awhile a few years ago, and even when that filthy, disgusting, vile creature actually WALKED ON THE COFFEE TABLE and GLARED AT ME, I did my best to respond to her with a pleasant attitude. I smiled, wagged my tail and put my nose near her face, because, duh, that's just common courtesy. Did she appreciate it? NO! She tried to scratch me, and it was only because of my amazing athletic prowess that I was able to get out of her way. But the point is, she was a jerk and yet I still tried to be nice.
Now you might think that experiences like that would make me cheer when I read about places like Wisconsin wanting to legalize cat hunting. But I'm not cheering (probably because I'm usually sleeping). But even when I'm not sleeping, I'm not cheering about this because you see, this is what we philosophical types like to call a "slippery slope." For those of you who aren't as smart as I am, I'll try to explain it.
A "slippery slope," as I understand it, is a situation where something simple and benign is allowed (i.e., cat hunting), but can and usually does lead to other, more serious things (i.e., dog hunting). Having already been picked up once by Animal Control, and having suffered the indignities of incarceration, I can tell you that was bad enough. But having actual hunters out looking for dogs? That seems a whole lot worse.
So I'm going to reluctantly have to oppose cat hunting, if only to protect more important kinds of animals from possibly being next on the hunting list. However, I wouldn't mind seeing something like "Cat Emphasis Month" from local Animal Control departments. The way this would work is that the Animal Control Department would take a month off from collecting every other animal besides cats. Then, they could even hire extra workers during that month to really give it the attention it deserves.
So Wisconsin, I applaud you for your intention; your heart is clearly in the right place. But let's back the enthusiasm down a few notches and approach the thing a little more thoughtfully. If we can simply rethink the systems we already have in place (i.e. "Cat Emphasis Month"), we can all work together and accomplish great things!
Mabel, I know you can't choose your owners, but come on, work with me here - you've got to do something about Charley.
Da Crab
Hey, he's been away from the church for six weeks, and needs to find something to do. He has way too much time on his hands!
Mabel, Your idea for "Cat Emphasis Month" is highly offensive. If you were here I wouldn't share my lasagna with you.
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