Thursday, April 21, 2005

Just Call Me Amberly

The internet (invented by former Vice-President Al Gore) is a wonderful world. There is so much to learn, as I'm sure anyone who has spent time on my blog has discovered. Well, I'm going to share a special link with you.

It's called the
Mormon Name Generator and by using this simple tool, you can discover what your name would be if you happened to be born into a Mormon family. For example, my name, Mabel Miller, becomes "Amberly Shambertine Crille." Pretty cool.

There are at least three ways the Mormon Name Generator can be used.

First, there's the obvious comedic purposes. Face it, Mormons have some pretty darn funny names. So for those of us who aren't Mormon, it's a great way to join in on the fun.

Second, for those people who ARE Mormons but may be lacking in imagination or creativity, here's something that you may want to take advantage of. For example, let's say that you're a young Mormon woman, about to give birth any day with your first child, but you're at a loss to think of an acceptable Mormon name. If you live in Utah, the competition for cool names must be fierce. Well, all you have to do is just plug in any old boring name into the Mormon Name Generator (i.e., Jill Washington), and there you go - you now have "Janielle Lexington." Everyone will be impressed with your incredible Mormon naming insight, when all you really did was plug in your lame name, and you automatically got a cool one.

Third, it occurs to me that Mormon names are very similar to the names of typical dogs in dog shows. You seldom see dogs named "Mabel" in dog shows, but I can totally imagine a pompous, overly groomed poodle named "Amberly Shambertine Crille," being walked around the ring by someone of questionable sexual orientation. If you've watched any dog shows on T.V., you know what I' m talking about.

So if you're looking for a career in the dog show industry, or if you're Mormon or planning to become one, or if you're just bored with or curious about your name, I highly recommend the Mormon Name Generator.

Amberly... out!


At 8:44 AM, Blogger praynlady said...

Mabel, this was absolutely hysterical. I will have to ask your permission to share your post in my blog. I am still howling and I read this one last night.

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design! |


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